Soup (Vegetable )

Hot and Sour Soup

Contributor: Steph

2 cloves garlic crushed
2 Tbl ginger fresh, in match sticks
2 Tbl vegetable oil
2 cups chicken
1/2 bag stir fry veggies
1 Tbl brown sauce or soy sauce
1 Tbl mushroom soy omit if not using brown sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1/4 tsp white pepper
2 Tbl lemon juice

Fry garlic and ginger in oil in bottom of wok, be careful not to burn. Add chicken and fry until cooked. Add stir fry veggies and brown sauce, soy sauce and sesame oil. Cook until veggies are tender add water to cover. Add white pepper and lemon juice. Taste to correct seasoning.
Edition: 3